Coastal Kids Preschool health and safety guidelines for COVID-19
Updated 6/25/21
Coastal Kids Preschool uses the following health and safety protocols drawn from Maine Department of Education (DOE), Maine Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Maine Child Care Licensing, and LincolnHealth guidance. The intent of these protocols is to mitigate risk and to keep our students, staff, and community as healthy and safe as possible during the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to current conditions, please be aware that inherent risk is still present, even with abundant precautions, and that we will rely on all families and staff to do their parts in regularly washing hands, distancing and wearing face coverings when appropriate, minimizing travel, and avoiding exposure to large crowds; these individual measures will help to keep our school community healthy. Coastal Kids Preschool’s health and safety protocols are effective immediately, will continue as written until further notice, and will be regularly reviewed and updated according to local, state, and federal guidance.
These guidelines are significantly relaxed from the previous version; changes include shifting outdoor masking from mandatory to optional, shifting daily wellness checks from written to verbal, and foregoing the process of taking temperatures during morning greeting. At this time we will CONTINUE mandatory indoor masking for all adults and children age 5+ (recommended for ages 2-4), regular cleaning and handwashing, and greeting at cars to limit building access to only students and teachers. While almost all staff members are vaccinated, we are keenly aware that our students cannot be – so we will continue to take these precautions seriously in order to ensure their health and safety.
Physical health and safety considerations
Coastal Kids’ programming is driven by the fact that childcare is essential and that our mission of educating preschool children of all incomes and abilities is critical to the growth, wellbeing, and happiness of our 100 students. Coastal Kids is a vital and vibrant part of our larger Lincoln County and midcoast Maine communities. That said, Coastal Kids’ ability to remain open during the COVID-19 pandemic depends on the following local, state, and national public health markers and safety criteria:
- A downward trend of flu-like viral symptoms, with particular focus on a downward trajectory of COVID-19 hospitalizations and documented cases in the midcoast region; appropriate hospital capacity to treat all cases
- Readily available COVID-19 testing and vaccination for older children and adults
- Compliance with local, state, and federal orders
- PPE and cleaning, disinfecting, and sanitizing agents readily available, with clear guidelines in place for their use both during and after each school day
- Communication of COVID-19 policies and procedures to all families and staff, including collaboration and guidance from LincolnHealth and local medical professionals
- Robust staff training re: disease transmission and mitigation, illness signs and symptoms, PPE use and disposal, school COVID-19 policies and procedures
- Regular monitoring, updating, and evaluating of school policies and procedures per local, state, and federal COVID-19 developments regarding cases, exposures, and best practices
- Logistical planning for outdoor classroom spaces, building entry and check-in/out, increased distancing in classrooms, maximized ventilation, snack and mealtime precautions, illness and cleaning protocols, etc.
- A downward trend of flu-like viral symptoms, with particular focus on a downward trajectory of COVID-19 hospitalizations and documented cases in the midcoast region; appropriate hospital capacity to treat all cases
- Readily available COVID-19 testing and vaccination for older children and adults
- Compliance with local, state, and federal orders
- PPE and cleaning, disinfecting, and sanitizing agents readily available, with clear guidelines in place for their use both during and after each school day
- Communication of COVID-19 policies and procedures to all families and staff, including collaboration and guidance from LincolnHealth and local medical professionals
- Robust staff training re: disease transmission and mitigation, illness signs and symptoms, PPE use and disposal, school COVID-19 policies and procedures
- Regular monitoring, updating, and evaluating of school policies and procedures per local, state, and federal COVID-19 developments regarding cases, exposures, and best practices
- Logistical planning for outdoor classroom spaces, building entry and check-in/out, increased distancing in classrooms, maximized ventilation, snack and mealtime precautions, illness and cleaning protocols, etc.
These criteria were met for the reopening of school on June 29, 2020 and through the continuing operation of Coastal Kids through the recently completed school year. Should local, state, or national circumstances change, criteria will be actively reevaluated in order to keep our school community as safe and healthy as possible.
Emotional wellbeing considerations
We recognize that this can feel like a scary time with many changes for our students and staff! That said, we are acting with the greatest possible attention to the physical health of our community AND to the emotional wellbeing of everyone who comes to Coastal Kids. We believe that our staff and students are resilient, and we know that they are eager to be at school. Those who attended Coastal Kids over the past school year quickly grew accustomed to our new check-in procedures, teachers and older students wearing face coverings, snacks from home instead of shared at school, and the many other small changes we’ve made to keep everyone healthy. Thank you for supporting them (and us!) as these changes continue to be used.
We also recognize that COVID-19 precautions can be daunting to parents! Please discuss any questions or concerns with your kids’ teachers and/or with our administrative staff; we’re all happy to listen and to provide help. The main number at school is 207-563-5335; our common email for inquiries is; and all teachers and administrative staff members may also be reached individually at “”
Policies & procedures – what parents need to know
Personal protective equipment (PPE)
Personal protective equipment (PPE) may include face coverings (masks and/or shields), gowns or smocks, non-latex disposable exam gloves, closed-toe shoes, etc. PPE is available to staff and to students over the age of two. Staff members will wear face coverings at all times indoors (hallways, bathrooms, kitchens, classrooms, and offices). Children ages 5+ are required to wear face coverings indoors, children ages 2-4 are encouraged to wear face coverings indoors by parents’ request, and children under age 2 may not wear face coverings. Masks are not worn during snack, lunch, and rest times. Masking is optional outdoors; we will require masking of individual child(ren) by parent request.
Personal hygiene
Regular handwashing is key to staying healthy! All students and staff members will wash their hands immediately upon entering the school building and regularly throughout the day. We do now request TWO changes of clothes (instead of one) so that children may change if their clothing becomes dirty. We also request that parents thoroughly apply sunscreen to their children before school, and will confirm at morning check-in that this has been done. (We will reapply later in the day as needed.)
School cleaning and disinfection
Our building will be cleaned and surfaces will be disinfected throughout the school day. Our nightly cleaning crew will follow rigorous sanitization guidelines using hospital-grade cleaning products.
Student gear
We request that students limit the items they bring to school each day to one small bag or backpack containing snacks and lunches (see below), two changes of clothes in Ziploc bags, a crib sheet and light blanket for rest (to be laundered regularly at school), and any other necessary items. Please leave toys, stuffies, and other personal items at home.
Student snacks and lunches
Students’ lunches may be packed in lunchboxes. Contents should be packed in easy-open containers or Ziploc bags. Parents should also label and send along a daily Ziploc bag of snacks. The school will not be preparing/sharing any snacks at this time, nor will teachers be able to reheat student lunches brought from home. Please note that students will be distanced as much as is feasible during mealtimes and that meals may sometimes be served picnic-style, outdoors or in classrooms. All students should bring their own full, clean, labeled water bottles to school each day.
Building occupancy
Classes will be treated as individual units and each will interact only with one other class – Periwinkles/Minnows, Starfish/Puffins, and Dolphins/Sea Turtles. Generally, these class pairs may combine for end of day and playground time. Rest time will happen in individual classrooms instead of in the Studio, which will be used only for special programming, therapies, and individual class activities as needed. All students and staff will use the school’s main entrance to access the building.
Student check-in
Coastal Kids’ student check-in procedure includes a verbal daily screening for health and wellness. We’ll help kids get out of the car and will take them directly to their classrooms. We ask that you please keep sick children and those with known COVID-19 exposure at home, and we reserve the right to deny school entry to children who exhibit any signs of illness. We also request that parents remain in their cars in order to expedite the check-in process, and please allow a few extra minutes for drop off.
Student check-out
We staff a greeter during the busiest pick-up times of the day, generally midday and 3:00 – 5:00 PM. The greeter will meet you at your car and call for your child(ren) on a handheld radio, and then a staff member will bring your child(ren) outside. Please maintain proper distancing as needed. Parents are responsible for buckling children into car seats. If no greeter is available upon arrival for pick-up, please call the office at 207-563-5335.
Illness at school
If a student or staff member falls ill during the school day, they will be moved with a teacher to a safe and isolated location until they can be picked up – which we request within 30 minutes. During times of warmer weather, this location will be under an awning near our front entrance. In inclement weather, this location will be the landing just inside the older, gray building’s front door.
Illness at home
If a student or staff member exhibits signs of any illness, we request that they remain home until 72 symptom-free hours have passed without fever-reducing medications. If symptoms include those of COVID-19 (cough, fever, chills, loss of smell or taste), or if there has been a known exposure to COVID-19, then students or staff members should seek medical advice and must have a negative COVID-19 test and/or quarantine at home for 10 days. If COVID-19 is diagnosed in a student, staff member, and/or their immediate families, then please notify the school and follow all applicable healthcare and quarantine guidelines.
We’ve established clear and open communication protocols for any identified cases of COVID-19 within our school community. If there is a COVID-19 case that directly impacts our school and/or leads to classroom quarantine(s), we will communicate timely information and any necessary instructions by both phone and email.
Personal protective equipment (PPE)
Personal protective equipment (PPE) may include face coverings (masks and/or shields), gowns or smocks, non-latex disposable exam gloves, closed-toe shoes, etc. PPE is available to staff and to students over the age of two. Staff members will wear face coverings at all times indoors (hallways, bathrooms, kitchens, classrooms, and offices). Children ages 5+ are required to wear face coverings indoors, children ages 2-4 are encouraged to wear face coverings indoors by parents’ request, and children under age 2 may not wear face coverings. Masks are not worn during snack, lunch, and rest times. Masking is optional outdoors; we will require masking of individual child(ren) by parent request.
Personal hygiene
Regular handwashing is key to staying healthy! All students and staff members will wash their hands immediately upon entering the school building and regularly throughout the day. We do now request TWO changes of clothes (instead of one) so that children may change if their clothing becomes dirty. We also request that parents thoroughly apply sunscreen to their children before school, and will confirm at morning check-in that this has been done. (We will reapply later in the day as needed.)
School cleaning and disinfection
Our building will be cleaned and surfaces will be disinfected throughout the school day. Our nightly cleaning crew will follow rigorous sanitization guidelines using hospital-grade cleaning products.
Student gear
We request that students limit the items they bring to school each day to one small bag or backpack containing snacks and lunches (see below), two changes of clothes in Ziploc bags, a crib sheet and light blanket for rest (to be laundered regularly at school), and any other necessary items. Please leave toys, stuffies, and other personal items at home.
Student snacks and lunches
Students’ lunches may be packed in lunchboxes. Contents should be packed in easy-open containers or Ziploc bags. Parents should also label and send along a daily Ziploc bag of snacks. The school will not be preparing/sharing any snacks at this time, nor will teachers be able to reheat student lunches brought from home. Please note that students will be distanced as much as is feasible during mealtimes and that meals may sometimes be served picnic-style, outdoors or in classrooms. All students should bring their own full, clean, labeled water bottles to school each day.
Building occupancy
Classes will be treated as individual units and each will interact only with one other class – Periwinkles/Minnows, Starfish/Puffins, and Dolphins/Sea Turtles. Generally, these class pairs may combine for end of day and playground time. Rest time will happen in individual classrooms instead of in the Studio, which will be used only for special programming, therapies, and individual class activities as needed. All students and staff will use the school’s main entrance to access the building.
Student check-in
Coastal Kids’ student check-in procedure includes a verbal daily screening for health and wellness. We’ll help kids get out of the car and will take them directly to their classrooms. We ask that you please keep sick children and those with known COVID-19 exposure at home, and we reserve the right to deny school entry to children who exhibit any signs of illness. We also request that parents remain in their cars in order to expedite the check-in process, and please allow a few extra minutes for drop off.
Student check-out
We staff a greeter during the busiest pick-up times of the day, generally midday and 3:00 – 5:00 PM. The greeter will meet you at your car and call for your child(ren) on a handheld radio, and then a staff member will bring your child(ren) outside. Please maintain proper distancing as needed. Parents are responsible for buckling children into car seats. If no greeter is available upon arrival for pick-up, please call the office at 207-563-5335.
Illness at school
If a student or staff member falls ill during the school day, they will be moved with a teacher to a safe and isolated location until they can be picked up – which we request within 30 minutes. During times of warmer weather, this location will be under an awning near our front entrance. In inclement weather, this location will be the landing just inside the older, gray building’s front door.
Illness at home
If a student or staff member exhibits signs of any illness, we request that they remain home until 72 symptom-free hours have passed without fever-reducing medications. If symptoms include those of COVID-19 (cough, fever, chills, loss of smell or taste), or if there has been a known exposure to COVID-19, then students or staff members should seek medical advice and must have a negative COVID-19 test and/or quarantine at home for 10 days. If COVID-19 is diagnosed in a student, staff member, and/or their immediate families, then please notify the school and follow all applicable healthcare and quarantine guidelines.
We’ve established clear and open communication protocols for any identified cases of COVID-19 within our school community. If there is a COVID-19 case that directly impacts our school and/or leads to classroom quarantine(s), we will communicate timely information and any necessary instructions by both phone and email.
Questions, updates, & further information
Please check email regularly for updates to these guidelines and direct all inquiries to Coastal Kids’ administrative team at 207-563-5335 or We’re looking forward to seeing you at school!